Ortho-Bionomy® + bodywork

skill and intuition

I hope to bring you a sense of ease and buoyancy. I work within your comfort zone and let your body and intuition guide my hands, carefully exploring the tissues to discover the best depth and motion to use.

healing presence

As I do bodywork, I do my best to sense what’s going on in the tissues I’m contacting. The physical work I do with my hands is guided and beautifully complemented by energy flowing through them. In this way, our nervous systems are connected energetically and I can sometimes listen to and speak reassuringly with your tissues directly through my hands.

A warm, healing presence allows me to sense directly what the area is telling me. Touch, combined with presence energy - or with words that the body needs to hear - can often resolve physical constrictions and even allow local emotional clearing. When restricted movement or trapped energy is attended to, the body moves more freely.

safe space

I am very open to communication. I want to encourage you to have full agency and really feel your power. When you sense an area that needs more, or a different kind of attention, let me know immediately so we can find a new approach together. I’ll check in at appropriate moments to make sure the contact feels right. You are in good hands with me. It’s all about creating truly safe, even sacred space to invite in healing energy.

bodywork styles

My style is primarily based on Ortho-Bionomy, a modality that uses positional releases and energy techniques to move the body away from pain and toward comfort. It requires great sensitivity and usually, communication with the client to fine tune the progress. Clients are fully clothed (loose, thin clothing), making the process relaxing and safe.

I may hold or cradle an area or limb that needs attention, bringing it ever-so-gently into a position that softens the tender area. This allows the tissue to feel safe enough to reset nerve receptors and relieve unbalanced tension. This modality is particularly effective for injuries, and for those who are sensitive, including older people and children.

Thought the process, I do slow compressions, long holds, kneading, squeezing, and gliding strokes to move the tissue and assess its quality and freedom of motion.

I may gently glide through the fascial layers that run under the skin, all around the muscles, and into the bones. This can free up and differentiate these layers so they rehydrate and slide over each other better.

For arms or hands with weakness or tingling, I may access and trace the densified fibers along the length of the involved fascial line to break up any adhesions. This can be intense, but bring sweet relief.

In some cases, for rehabilitation after injury or surgery, I use various types of myofascial release therapy. I may have you move the limb while I hold or glide for an active release. This can be challenging. but it’s crucial for full recovery.

I often employ a more subtle kind of joint mobilization using micro-motions, especially for the neck and head. I combine this with delicate positional releases to soften the grip of the muscles on their bones and on any other associated structures.

All these technical modalities are seamlessly incorporated into a bodywork session to allow areas in need of attention better balance and freedom, and to give your body the care deserves.

guiding philosophy

My clients especially love the work I do on the shoulders, neck, and head. For the neck, I use my most sensitive touch to slide through the many myofascial layers, but only as I am allowed in, and only as your body feels safe enough to let go of it’s holding pattern - this is my guiding philosophy. The therapeutic effect happens naturally when the body freely yields to safe, caring touch. That is how deep tissue work can be done with the most delicate touch.

When the holding grip can finally release, muscle balance and ease can be restored. I believe physical healing is the body’s energy flowing freely; I am always encouraging a smooth flow as I do my work.

